Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ansel Adams

Born in San Francisco in 1902. Best known for his landscape photographs , Adams was an official photographer for the Sierra Club. In 1932 he was in the group f64, The name f64 is the smallest aperture setting on the camera's lens. Photos taken on this setting have the greatest depth of field , every object in the picture is in focus. Adams developed exposure and development control called the "zone system," . In 1935 he published his first book on how to master photographic technique. Later he punlished many more books. Adams died in 1984. In 2002, John Szarkowski put together a traveling exhibit of Adams's work commemorating the 100th Anniversary of his birth. In 1985, a year after Adams's death, an 11,760 foot mountain in Yosemite National Park was named Mt. Ansel Adams.

(sorry I’ve tried to post pics but I can’t get them to stay.)

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