I'm sure most of us at one point or another have looked at a magazine cover or a movie poster and wondered "damn, those are unreal abs" or "holy cow...they do NOT make eyes like hers" Well, you were right. A lot of what we see, wait, let me correct that, 99.999% of what we see in print ads, covers and posters is all fake. We see skinny models with no cellulite, pores, wrinkles or lower eye lids. Most of of (especially girls) think "I NEED TO LOOK LIKE THAT" and guys...you havent gotten away without thinking the same about some washboard abs, or muscular guns, because you have. We ALL have. Next time you see a cover, think about the person who did the work, a well paid photoshop guru, but don't get too jealous...sometimes those "photoshop geniuses" screw up, BAD. So, here's a link to some of the WORST photoshop "works" ever....I mean really...would it kill ya to double check your work?
I guess beauty IS in the eye of the....photoshopper?
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