My "baby"----->

For those of you debating on whether or not get a Nikon or a Canon (like I am) I've done research to help you decide on maybe which is best. These are digital cameras, so if you were thinking of taking digital after photo 2, this might be something you want to look at. I personally, am I Nikon girl (D3000) and I like it, I was debating on a Canon (and still sort of am) so if you've got any advice, please let me know!
I love my Cannon Rebel XT, Ive had it for about 5 years now and it's still going strong. Very simple to use. My Step-dad just got the new Rebel for christmas and he's really enjoying it. If you already have a Nikon id stick with it though so that you can used the lenses if you have a lot of lenses, like I have a TON of cannon lenses so I'm stuck with Cannons because their interchangeable through different Cannon cameras, like my Step-dad could use my lenses for his Cannon.